APA Format Term Paper: Great Example

All term papers are not created equally, some are clearly better than others. The content of the paper is the most important part of the term paper, if the student focuses on that and creates a great paper, then they only have to worry about how the papers is formatted.

The American Psychological Association (APA) format is a great way to format the term paper, if given the choice, a student should choose APA.  There are clear cut rules and the design layout makes it so that the student has a perfectly laid out design and they only have to place their information into it.  

There are several places to find a great example of the format of APA.  One place is Purdue University Online Writing Lab page. The OWL page from Purdue has a lot of research and example of the format, and they explain the rules of the APA style in case the student doesn’t have a handbook.   

Format guidelines with Examples


Title of the Paper

Secondary Title (if applicable)

First and Last Name of student

School Student Attends.   

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TITLE OF PAPER 3               


Summary of paper

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Introduction of paper.  Remembering that line spacing is double spaced and that the only exception to this rule is a block quote:

“QUOTE, quotes, exactly copy of someone elses words.  Still quoting, for over four lines of text. Everything under four lines should be in regular text.“            

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Last, first.  Title of source.  Where you found source. Date

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